Isaiah 49 Feeling or Fact

Isaiah 49

On the really hard days – if I were honest – I would admit that I was operating based on my feelings. I ignore what I know and act on what I feel.

But – feelings aren’t facts.

I love this quote from Eugene Peterson.

“My feelings are important for many things. … They keep me aware of much that is true and real. But they tell me next to nothing about God or my relation to God. My security comes from who God is, not from how I feel.”

Maybe that’s why verses 14-15 really spoke to me.

👉 My Lord has forgotten me (v 14).

This was how God’s people were feeling. Have you ever felt that way?

But the Lord nips that line of thinking in the bud!

👉 I will not forget you (v 15).

Wow. What a promise. In fact, the Lord said that for him to forget his people would be as unheard of as a woman forgetting a nursing infant.

The Lord even goes further to say that the walls of the people were before him.

👉 Your walls are continually before me (v 16).

Now – the reference here is to the walls of Jerusalem which were in ruins. They were destroyed by the Babylonians and were nothing but rubble.

The Lord is telling them that, not only has he not forgotten them, but he sees their brokenness, their defeat, their shame.

And then – a promise.

👉 Lift up your eyes and see…(v 18).

I love this. God says, “I see you – now, you need to see me.”

Help us see you, Lord!

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