Random Recent Photos

Could she be any cuter?  I think not.  Thanks to Aunt Jill for this beautiful dress.

Here are my other angels in their Christmas dresses…only slightly distracted by Smurf Village on the iPad.

The girls and I stuffing stockings for my Wednesday night Missions Friends class.  What six year old girl doesn’t want chocolate, silly bands and lip gloss?

My dad in a local Christmas parade with a kid from our church who always wanted to ride on a Harley.

And, finally, our Christmas tree.

2 thoughts on “Random Recent Photos

  1. What a beautiful little family! Thanks for your email. I am doing ok. Obviously neglecting my blog. 🙂 I am still struggling with my chronic daily headaches and not much improvement. We are struggling with our finances too. Not sure how I am going to pull off gifts for the kids. If you would be willing to pray for us I would greatly appreciate it.
    Take care, and have a blessed Christmas friend!

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