You Can Trust God


I think all parents have that one thing they tend to harp on. For me, it’s “be a person of your word.” It seems minor now – one child says they will play a certain game with another but a better option comes along and they change their mind. They’re never happy when I make them play whatever game they had promised to play with whichever sister they had made the promise. But I do it. I want to raise women of integrity.

When I read this morning’s #f260biblereadingplanreading, I was struck by the repetitive reminder by God that he was doing what he had promised generations ago to do.

God promised a Messiah and he was sending a Messiah. Scripture says that EVERY word of God proves true and that ALL of his promises are fulfilled in Jesus.

Not some. Not most. Not if you were extra good that day. Every word. Every promise. True. But we don’t want to wait for it.

Read Hebrews 11:13. Chapter 11 is the hall of faith. And do you know what it says about these faithful men and women of the Lord? They ALL died not having received the things promised. But they greeted them from a far.

Do you see that? They died not having received the Messiah they were promised but STILL believing that he was coming because they knew every. word. of. God. proves. true.

God reveals himself through his word. And what he is telling us today – what he is whispering to our weary hearts – is, “You can trust me.”

You can trust him with the hurt. You can trust him with your child. You can trust him with your dreams. You can trust him to do what he has promised.

You are loved.

Let’s Catch Up!

It’s been way too long, friends, since I have visited this space. Let’s just say that there’s a whole lot of life being lived on this side of the screen.

However, for those who don’t follow my Bible journaling on my Insta page, I wanted to post some highlights from recent weeks.


(I read this book every year during the week of Easter. I highly recommend it!)


(As I sit here this morning, do I feel peace or panic? Do my efforts seem fruitful or in vain? Is the Lord’s presence evident in my life?

Often, I want to blame (or give credit for) the answers on my current circumstances, other people or my own effort.

What if it were all dependent upon my obedience to the Lord?)


(God starts out by saying, “I have a command for you.” And, before anyone can even respond, He says, “it’s not too hard for you.”

{I would like to point out that He didn’t say that it wouldn’t be hard – but it wouldn’t be TOO hard.}

The command is to choose life.
To choose good.
To choose Him every time.

Also, how cute is this phone case from Prone to Wander LA?!)


(It’s been said that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

God’s “past behavior” has always been faithfulness. He has kept every promise He ever made. Anyone can be a promise maker but our God is a promise keeper.

One really fun way to study scripture is to begin at the beginning and highlight every promise made by God. Then, as you make your way through, highlight or somehow mark the fulfillment of those promises. )


(Our hope comes from what we KNOW and not what we feel.

Also, another super cute phone cover from Prone to Wander LA. I have signed my blogs and books with “You are loved” for years so I am in love with this one!)

He is risen, friends.

He is risen, indeed.

Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead… 2 Timothy 2:8

You are loved. <3

Two Bible Study Tips for the New Year

Here are a few excerpts from our first two weeks with the F260 Bible reading plan. As I read each day, I am looking for two things:

An Inhale – a meditation

An Exhale – an application

Here are a few examples.



Inhale: Grief changes people.

Exhale: Do I allow people who have suffered a great loss to find their new normal?

26220011_1573868926038645_7647826988527679204_nInhale: We must know Scripture well so that we do not speak things of God that are not true.

Exhale: Do I use God’s Word to shame or condemn someone instead of to bring light and freedom?


Inhale: The GOspel is about going.

Exhale: Where (or to whom) is God calling me to go?


I would love to hear from y’all and know what God is revealing to you!

Also, follow me on Instagram for my daily Bible journal posts!

You are loved. <3

Blog the Bible 2018

If you have not yet chosen a Bible reading plan for 2018, I would love for you to join me! I’m using the F260 plan which you can download here. It’s a little bit lighter than some other plans with only 5 days a week in the schedule. Also, something that makes it different is that it includes a weekly memory verse which I love.

I will be posting my journal entries from my daily reading on my Instagram account. That will be the best place to connect with me daily regarding the Bible reading. However, I will post occasional updates here on the blog.


I would love to hear what God reveals to you this year. So, feel free to leave a comment or email me with your thoughts as you make your way through God’s Word this year!


You are loved. <3


From Grave to Grace


I’ve always loved the story of Lazarus. I mean, who doesn’t love a good man-raised-from-the-dead tale?

I wonder how Lazarus felt about it?

We’re usually okay with folks hearing our success stories.  But how do we feel about the people who witness the whole fall from grace?

We are happy to emerge from the wreckage to the cheers from the crowds. But how do we feel around the ones who watched us crash and burn?

We are often embarrassed about our stories. We feel awkward or ashamed around the ones who were there when our children went astray, our marriages fell apart, our personal sins found us out, our car was repossessed, that unexpected pregnancy became known, or we caved to that addiction once again.

Do you know who continued to bear witness to what Jesus had done in Lazarus’ life? It was the ones who had been there when Jesus called him from grave to grace. It was the ones who saw him step into daylight with the stench of death still lingering.

We want the pomp of the resurrection but not the pain of the death, but it’s a package deal. It’s painful; there’s no way around it. Just remember, it’s pain with a purpose. We have to let some things in our lives die so that God can do a work in us.

Don’t be afraid to endure death in order to experience resurrection. God has a plan for you, my friend. It’s good because He is good and it ends in freedom.

You are loved. <3