What is contentment anyway?

Contentment is a tricky thing. We say that we want it. We even pretend to have it. But, if we were honest, we would admit that we are IMG_0156content for the moment. If our current circumstances are okay with us, then we will remain content until a new desire is birthed in our heart. If, by chance, our current circumstances are less than stellar, then we are {possibly} content to wait {for just a little while, mind you} for God to remedy the situation.

Contentment – yeah, most of us don’t even really know what that means.

Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. – 2 Corinthians 12:8

Three times, Paul pleaded {begged, entreated} with the Lord to remove the source of his pain and discomfort. And the Lord said, “No.” He didn’t say, “Not yet.” He didn’t say, “I’m working on it.” He said, “No, my grace is all you need.” Paul did not need deliverance from his trial. What he needed was God.

How many times have we prayed the same prayers? Do we continue because God has not answered or because we did not like the answer he gave? When you pray to be removed from a situation that is uncomfortable or, dare I say, downright painful – how do you respond when the days pass and you are still there? How do you feel when that heart wrenching situation just does not seem to ever. get. better? What is the state of your heart when you plead with the Lord and the answer is “no?”

What Paul discovered was that, because of Christ, he could be content in every situation.

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities. – 2 Corinthians 12:10

IMG_0140Weaknesses. Content in the midst of health issues, emotional struggles and temptations.

Insults. Content in the midst of the betrayal of friends, breaking of vows, misunderstandings and wrecked relationships.

Hardships. Content in the midst of job loss, financial struggles, medical concerns and broken dreams.

Persecutions. Content in the midst of judgement, false accusations and pointed fingers.

Calamities. Content in the midst of things you never saw coming.

Contentment. {To think it good, to choose, to do willingly, to be ready}

This, my friends, is where the cross gets heavy.  

2 thoughts on “What is contentment anyway?

  1. David is a help to me, also. When he fled from Absalom (?) he left Jerusalem (?) :o), anyway, he was leaving, Shimei cursed him and David answered his own man, something like this; if GOD told this man to curse me, nothing I say will change it.
    How this is helping me, I have to be GODLY, and GOD will see to the rest.
    Today I want to go as far to say as I concentrate to be whom I am suppose to be, GOD will even let contentment come and be part of me.
    Hope my talking make sense outside of my own head..

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