31 Days: Faith in the Face of Suffering

We live in a broken world where people suffer. Some get lost in the suffering and never seem to come out on the other side. Others put on their happy faces and pretend that all is well. Neither of those approaches work long term. So, what is the answer?

In a span of only five years, my family endured miscarriage, a clinical depression diagnosis, cancer, job loss, divorce, and more. I have heard every cliche and had well meaning individuals quote Romans 8:28 to me more times than I can count. The problem was that none of those pats on the back or “I’ll be praying for you” promises told me how to make it through. “Keep the faith,” people say. What does that even mean? faith pin

I am determined to have better answers. I don’t have all of the answers, mind you, but I’m going to give hurting people some promises they can hold onto during painful times. So, I spent months studying the book of Job. Job mourned and worshiped simultaneously. He shook his fist at God and, also, held on to Him for dear life. Like Jacob, he wrestled it out. Then, in the end, his faith was stronger. It may have been a faith that was bruised and battle scarred, but it was proven through the fire.

This 31 days series, Faith in the Face of Suffering, is written for anyone who has ever had the wrong thing said to them in their time of pain. It’s also for anyone who has been the one with the foot in their mouth. It is for anyone who has ever felt alone and begged God to just show Himself. It is for anyone who has ever hurt. I think we can agree that covers pretty much everyone.

I will cover topics such as:

  • Are the truths we speak to others in pain still true for us in our pain? (Taken from Job 4:1-6)
  • How do we not get stuck in the “what next” mentality? (Taken from Job 10:16-17)
  • We must realize that Who is more important than why. (Taken from Job 38:1-41:34)

I hope you’ll join me for the next 31 days as we learn how to walk out this faith thing in the face of suffering. I will add an index of the posts here as they go live!


Day 1: There was a day

Day 2: The Reality of Heaven

Day 3: Precious Promises

Day 4: Go With What You Know

Days 5 and 6: Psalm 18:39 (Free Printable)

Day 7: When You Just Can’t See Him

Day 8: Wounded, Not Weakened

Day 10: When Your Spirit is Broken

Day 17: How strong does he think I am?

Day 21: Letting Go


31 day Nester Challenge

3 thoughts on “31 Days: Faith in the Face of Suffering

  1. Pingback: Day 1: There was a day. | Servant's Life

  2. Pingback: Day 2: The Reality of Heaven | Servant's Life

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