
As I sat on the couch and put on my make-up this morning, I thought to myself…I’m just so tired.  Granted, it was only 4:30 in the morning and there was a chill in the air.  I had every reason to want to crawl back into bed and cover up.  But I knew it was more than that.   In the silence of the morning…by the light of one little lamp…I could be honest with God and just say…I’m tired. 

I began thinking about Samuel.  Scripture says that Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life (1 Samuel 7:15.)  This was the job that God had given to Samuel and he did it his whole life.  That is such an important thing to realize…when you are a follower of Christ…you are committing to follow Him all the days of your life. It is a life-long commitment. When you are on such a journey…you’re going to get tired.  This is no surprise to God.

He gave us clear instructions on what to do when we became weary.

Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  -Matthew 11:28 HCSB

God knew that we would get tired…that the journey would be long…that the path would not always be easy.  He will be our rest…but we must come to Him.

So, back to my morning…I finish my make-up, get dressed and begin breakfast for the girls.

I suddenly remembered a conversation I had with my husband quite some time ago.  He had mentioned that He would often get tired in the early afternoon and that he read somewhere that this could be caused by dehydration.  So, I’m just contemplating dehydration…my weariness…and a possible need for more water in my life…when I am reminded of this passage in Jeremiah.

For My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that can hold no water.  – Jeremiah 2:13 HCSB

Our physical bodies were created with a need for water…without water we can become lethargic and fatigued…without it for too long and we would die.  For our spiritual lives to thrive we need the living water and, in order to receive the living water, we must come to Him.  When we attempt to go about our lives without Him…we become tired and weary.

I love the imagery of God as a fountain and us as cracked cisterns.  When we immerse ourselves in God and His Word…the water is constantly flowing over us…refreshing us and giving us energy.  The problem comes when we think okay, I’m feeling good…I can step away and handle it on my own for awhile.  You see, we are just broken cisterns.  So, the moment we walk away from God…the water leaks out through the cracks and, in no time at all, we’re dry.  We become dehydrated and dehydration brings weariness.

O God, you are my God,
       earnestly I seek you;
       my soul thirsts for you,
       my body longs for you,
       in a dry and weary land
       where there is no water. – Psalm 63:1 NIV

Are you feeling weary?  Maybe you’re just a little dehydrated.

Repost from archives

6 thoughts on “Dehydration

  1. You are an amazing writer. I am SO glad that God led me to your blog. My cup is filled every time I read one of your posts. Thank you.

    I hope that you are staying warm- 17 degrees here would be considered a HEAT wave! it is -22 this morning. Our high for today is supposed to be -4. Windchill is -40. All of the schools in the area had a 2 hour late start. I’m planning on going nowhere. Working on a new blog post (finally) as we speak.

    take care, and thank you again for your post. It is wonderful!

    • Thanks for stopping by, Heather! I loved your post on being a parent you can be proud of. Very convicting. Have a great weekend!

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