Joshua 5 Rolled Away

Joshua 5:1-15

The people were told to tell what God had done for them. And when they did – look what happened.

Kings – near and far – heard what God had done for his people and they no longer had the heart or the spirit to fight against the people of Israel (v 1).

The people obeyed – they shared their stories of deliverance – and the enemy fled.

👉 Some of us are entertaining the enemy because we have forgotten our deliverance. We need to testify to the goodness of our God.

How do we entertain the enemy? I’m so glad you asked. Look what the Lord told Joshua.

“Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you” (v 9).

[ reproach = shame, derision, ridicule, disgrace ]

When he delivered them – he rolled away all of it.

👉 Our redemption includes a rolling away of our shame.

So – when we hold on to shame and disgrace because of our former lives – we are entertaining the enemy.

When those feelings of guilty try to weigh us down – we need to remember that the Lord himself has rolled it away.

You are loved.

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