Luke 9:37-43a Jesus is the Answer

Luke 9:37-43a

My heart hurts when I read this story. I can feel the pain and discouragement.

The boy (v 39) was defenseless against the thing that had him bound.
• seized
• shattered

The father (v 38, 40) was desperate for someone to help.
• I beg
• I begged

The disciples (v 40) were disappointed.
• could not cast out the demon

Aren’t we often in one of those categories: defenseless, desperate, or disappointed?

The solution is always the same – it’s Jesus.

Jesus rebuked the spirit when the disciples could not.

He healed the boy when the boy could not heal himself.

He gave the father his heart’s deepest desire – the return of his son.

I don’t know where you are today…





Just plain “down”

But I know Jesus is the answer.

Happy Wednesday.

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