Bring on the storm.

There’s a storm in Mark 4.

A real storm. With real danger.

Great winds. Breaking waves. Boat filling with water. (Mark 4:37)

It was not a figment of their imaginations. It was not an overreaction on their part. The disciples were greatly afraid and we would say, perhaps, rightly so.

But what exactly was their fear?

That they would die? That the ship would sink? That they would be late for supper?

I find it fascinating that their first words to Jesus weren’t, “What should we do?” Or “Help us.” Or, even, “Please calm the storm.”

“Teacher,” they cried, “do you not care?”

It was the same fear that Martha had in Luke 10:40. “Lord, do you not care?”

And, to the men in the boat – to their fear, Jesus responded, “Have you no faith?”

Faith in what?

In Him. In his care for them. In his ability and willingness to take care of them.

I couldn’t help but think that this is often what I am asking Jesus when I am in the midst of the storm. When things are going terribly astray. When I am rejected. When I feel lost and uncertain. When I cry out in fear.

Whatever my word choice may be – what I’m really asking is, “Jesus, do you not care?”

And he replies, “Have you no faith?”

If I have faith in Him and in His love for me – storms won’t overtake me. Rejection won’t break me. Failure won’t define me.

“Cast ALL your anxieties on him…”

Why, Peter? Why should we do that?

“…because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

Great winds?

Breaking waves?

Sinking boats?

Bring it on.

#sundayfunday #sundayvibes #calmsthestorm #jesuscares #biblestudy #jesus

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