2 Peter 1:16-21 Two Elements of Sharing the Gospel

2 Peter 1:16-21

I will always be in love with the passion of Peter. He couldn’t help but tell others what his own eyes had seen regarding Jesus. And he couldn’t help but share the words given to him from God through the Holy Spirit.

If we believe what we say we believe about Jesus – how could we possibly remain silent? We should be passionately telling others about what we have seen and heard.

Then, Peter encourages them to pay attention to the words of Scripture because they are not the words of man but of God.

This is the telling of the gospel, friends.

  1. This is what I have seen Jesus do in my life.
  2. This is what God says in his Word about Jesus.

Peter says that we should be paying attention to the Word like we would a lamp in a dark place. This makes me think of Psalm 119:105 – perhaps Peter was thinking of it too.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

As the world grows darker – we don’t cower in fear – we draw closer to the light. Get in the Word, y’all.

👉 Drop those emojis and Bitmojis below, sweet peeps, and tell me what you’ve seen Jesus do in your life!

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