Psalm 51: I Know Who I Am

Psalm 51

Does anyone else ever get sick of their own sin?

Their own selfishness. Their own weaknesses. Their own arrogance. Their own lack of faith.

David cried out, “Lord, I know who I am!” (My paraphrase of verse 3.)

And that would have been depressing news indeed except for one thing. He also knew who God was.

His sin did not move him beyond the reach of God’s grace.

His sin did not cancel out the steadfast love of God.

His sin could be blotted out, cleansed, and washed thoroughly until no shame or stain remained.

You see, dear friend, there is nothing we could offer up to God in way of remittance. Aren’t you glad that God desires repentance and not repayment?

When we turn from our sin, God gives joy and gladness. He places a clean heart within us and a renewed spirit that is steadfast in its commitment to him.

A life of repentance is a delight to the Father and a testimony of his grace to those around us.

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