What Happens When We Pray?

Why is it so vital that we pray during times of trouble?

If we focus on what we feel – what we see – the noise of the world – we will panic. We will fear. We will focus on all the wrong things.

Psalm 56 shows what happens when we pray.

Imagine that you’re feeling attacked, afraid, or abandoned (vs 1-6.) Imagine an enemy stirring up strife like it is his 9 to 5. The psalmist was in that place. But he didn’t stay there.

Watch the flow.

  1. I am afraid (vs 3.)
  2. This is why I am afraid (vs 5-7.)
  3. This is why I don’t need to be afraid (vs 8-9.)
  4. I am no longer afraid because of what I know (vs 11.)

When we pray, God speaks to us. He hears our fear and replaces it with faith. He senses our panic and swaps it for peace. He doesn’t ridicule us for being afraid. He says, “This is why you don’t need to be afraid.”

Don’t panic. Pray.

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