Temporary Trials

Peter tells us that our trials are temporary, necessary, and purposeful. I know, I know. They don’t feel temporary and, if we’re honest, we don’t care if they’re necessary or purposeful in the moment. But that’s because we are so focused on the trial that it is all we see.

👉 Hold your phone or a book up to your face. Closer. Closer. Move it so close that it fills up your entire visual space.

That’s how we often walk through life during a difficult season. We can’t see anything or anyone else.

Peter invites us to take a step back and to view our current situation in light of eternity (1 Peter 5:10.) He begins and ends his letter of encouragement with a reminder that trials are temporary.

Does it feel that way? Probably not. And that is exactly why we need to be in God’s Word so that we can hear truth.

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