When You’re Waiting on God to Breathe


Is there anything in your life that you would say is dead? A dream, perhaps? Hope, a relationship, a secret desire? Maybe, it’s not dead yet but you feel it slipping away and it terrifies you. Have you found yourself pleading with God for a different outcome than the one you see coming?

And there came a man named Jairus, who was a ruler of the synagogue. And falling at Jesus’ feet, he implored him to come to his house, for he had an only daghter, about twelve years of age, and she was dying. Luke 8:41-42

I’ve read Jairus’ story countless times. Honestly, I usually skimmed over him as he seemed to just be an extra in one of my favorite stories – the woman with the issue of blood. This time, however, something stood out to be that I had never noticed before and it got me to thinking.

Immediately following this heart-wrenching scene with Jairus, Jesus encounters the woman with the issue of blood. She receives her healing and has this tender moment with Jesus and, all the while, Jairus is there in the crowd.


What was he thinking? He had begged Jesus for help and Jesus is stopping to speak to a woman who had only wanted to disappear into the crowd. Did he want to scream, “What about me?! What about my daughter?!”

Have you ever wondered, “Lord, what about me?” Have you ever felt like a desperate soul just lost in the crowd?

Then, while Jesus is still speaking to the woman, someone whispers in Jairus’ ear.

“Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the Teacher any more.” Luke 8:49

And this, my friends, is the part that jumped off of the page. How many times has the enemy tried to tell you that something is dead, hopeless, beyond repair or not worth the fight? Have you been tempted to think that, perhaps, you just shouldn’t trouble God with that thing anymore? I don’t know what that thing might be for you but there is something I do know. Whatever it is that the enemy is declaring dead – don’t believe it.


You have a God who breathes on dead things and causes them to live again.

And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. Ezekiel 37:13

You have a God who calls dead men from their graves with just a word.

Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” John 11:43

You have a God who walked out of the tomb Himself!

Nothing is so dead that God’s breath can’t resurrect it. No hope or dream is so buried that it can’t be called forth with just a word. What I’m saying to you is that the enemy is a liar.

When Satan says that it’s dead, you just wait for your God to breathe. When Satan says to walk away, you just listen for your God to call.

Our God is still in the resurrection business, dear friend. Don’t give up.

You are loved. <3



6 thoughts on “When You’re Waiting on God to Breathe

  1. Yesterday I was invited to a 10 day challenge of sharing a bible verse a day… It was from a sweet friend in Hawaii. Each day of posting a new verse you are asked to choose another person also for the challenge. I rarely do these things… ( seems like a chain letter, even though it is for reasons of sharing the Gospel and encouragement.) Well, I was persuaded in my heart that I was to take the challenge, even though my FB and social media pages are for health, encouragement, and home business.
    Unfortunately, as facebook often does these days, even when you friend or follow someone, it doesn’t mean they will see your messages, unless they choose to just go to your page without seeing any notifications. So even there, I am bewildered as I so wanted followers to be encouraged by the Words He has given me to share.

    I have so many fave verses, so I prayed… then slowly over the coming hours, the Lord put on my heart Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength….” Many of those I love are going through desperately hard times in every arena of their lives, as well as myself.. I am pushed against the wall and I can barely breathe…Nothing, and I mean nothing, is in my control. The only thing I can do, and each thing in my life is serious and needs action and answers… But I cannot do anything, and I hear no direction or guidance to my prayers, except STAND STILL AND WAIT ON GOD..

    While I was writing what to post, my soul mate and prayer partner and one of my closest friends sent me a wonderful rendition of our mutual fave guitarist, Tommy Emmanuel’s, “Those Who Wait” ( he did this unknowingly.) It was so beautiful… and then he sent me another message ” ISAIAH 40:31 ” ( another confirmation God was listening…)

    Today I awoke to briefly go online to see if there were any responses to my Bible verse challenge. Up popped a notification from a Christian business woman. It was a video she had half sleepily put together when she woke up… The theme? (smiling) “Waiting on God”.

    Sorry to be so long winded… but I said all this to say, thank you for your post from 10-28 which just came up in feed or email… When I saw the title , then read your post, I knew once again, it was a confirmation from the Lord to not give up… God is speaking to many of us right now… LET US NOT GET WEARY IN WAITING!

    So glad I found you today!

    Thank you!

    • I love how God pursues us! When He has a word for us, He sends it until we really get it. He is so good. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony! Praying you have a great week! <3 Stacy

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