If You Let Your Kids Watch a Movie

laundryI really do try to limit the electronics thing in my house. I created these “entertainment coupons” and the girls have to earn them. Then, they can redeem the coupons for time spent on an iPod, DS or other such item. I’m a firm believer in imagining and cutting and pasting and being creative. Sometimes, however, mama needs a break from all of the can-I-haves and whatnot. Feel me?

Sometimes, I whisper the words that bring squeals of delight from four little girls. Who wants to watch a movie? But, here’s the thing.

If you let your kids watch a movie, they are going to ask you for popcorn.

If you make them popcorn, they are going to ask if you have any goodies to put in it.

If you serve them popcorn with goodies in it, they are going to ask you for a drink.

If you serve them a drink, someone is going to spill a drink.

If someone spills a drink, carpets must be cleaned and, often, clothes must be changed.

If clothes must be changed, you discover that your dirty laundry is taking over the house.

If the dirty laundry is taking over the house, you must do a load of laundry.

If you do a load of laundry and try to dump the laundry on your bed, you find that you never made your bed that morning.

If you make your bed, you then feel obligated to put away the laundry.

If you’re putting away laundry, you may pass through the living room where the kids are watching a movie, see the little bits of pop corn everywhere and go to get the vacuum.

If you go to get the vacuum, you realize you may as well vacuum the whole house.ABCs

If you vacuum the whole house, you wake the sleeping baby who then demands to be fed.

If you feed the baby, she is going to spit up all over you and cause you to change your clothes.

If you change your clothes and head downstairs to watch a movie in your newly vacuumed living room, you will find that the movie is over, the kids are all full of extra energy and it’s time to start supper.

So, if you’re feeling a little run down and are considering putting all of the kids in front of a movie for a quiet and relaxing afternoon – take a nap first. You’re going to need it.

I love y’all more than footie jammies and hot cocoa.

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