Monday, We Meet Again

I fed the baby at 4:00 this morning.

I changed a kid’s wet sheets at 4:30.

At 5:06 a.m., I was awakened {was I even asleep?} by the sound of giggling in the kitchen. I stumble down the hallway to find three children at the breakfast table. In my calmest have-you-lost-your-mind-because-I-can-help-you-find-it tone of voice, I suggested that they make their way back to their beds. They scurried back downstairs as if the devil himself were on their heels. Possibly because, in that moment, I bore a slight resemblance.

At 6:30 a.m., the two year old came into my bedroom demanding the breakfast I had refused her an hour and a half earlier. And, at this very moment – 7:09 a.m., I am feeding the baby again while said two year old cries and begs to watch Dora. {Early nap time, anyone?}keep calm

Let’s recap. I got up four times, started some laundry and completely lost my cool before the sun even came up. That has got to be some sort of record, even for a Monday.

It was not supposed to go this way. We had a rough week last week and I was determined to make this one different. I spent hours over the weekend preparing homeschool lessons for the whole week so that we would be organized. I did loads and loads of laundry so that I would not feel overwhelmed before the week began. I rearranged our school room so that there would be a new energy. And, I prayed. I prayed for renewed energy and excitement for this stay at home-homeschooling-homemaking-mothering gig.

Yet, here I sit feeling like I failed before I ever got out of bed.

I would like to say that I gave myself a firm talking to, fixed my attitude and everything is better now. But, well, it’s only 7:22 and I never give myself a firm talking to until after my second cup of coffee. However, here is what I know. God’s mercies are new every morning, his grace flows freely every minute and kids are very forgiving. Also, it’s never too late {or too early in the day} to call a mulligan. {Look at me using a sports term – even if I did totally have to google it to make sure I was using it properly.}

So, take that Monday!

4 thoughts on “Monday, We Meet Again

  1. Glad to hear I’m not the only mom who yells at her kids that early in the am. I was yelling at Josiah not to be a lion at 5 am this morning. It seems like every morning I pray for God’s patience & joy for the day & I lose it about 5-10 min after that. Definitely thankful for God’s mercy & grace each day. Praying your day turns around for the better. Love you!!

  2. Hope your Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, …., Sunday, Monday …is much easier.
    I know, living with more than oneself makes life a bit more busy and easier unorganized. You are doing very well. Go on sister, you are a great mom!

  3. I guess this would not be the time to mention I somehow got 12 solid hours of sleep last night? it was a fluke. Gracie went to Daddy’s side of the bed and woke him up instead of me. I don’t know. I didn’t hear a thing.

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