The Wonder of it All

fiveminuteIt’s Five Minute Friday again! People all over the world blogging on the same topic on the same day for just five minutes and linking up at Lisa Jo’s place. Today’s topic:Wonder.


I know the true meaning of Christmas. I am well aware that it is about far more than ribbons and bows and eggnog. (Side note: If you curled up your nose at the mention of eggnog, I’ll be honest, I just do not understand you.) I know all of the right answers. Yet, in the chaos that is life, has something gotten lost?

I know the meaning, but have I lost the mystery?star

I have the wisdom, but have I lost the wonder?

I want a little bit of that wonder back. I want to, once again, be astonished by the coming of the Christ child. Could anything be more worthy of my wonder than God wrapped in flesh coming to make beauty from my mess?

God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. – Colossians 1:27

How much fun is it to give someone the perfect gift? You wait anxiously for the opening of the box. You try to act casually but, inside, you want to jump across the room and help them tear into the package because you know they are just going to love. it. There is some pride involved in being able to give just the right gift, isn’t there?

Can you even imagine God’s excitement as the days drew near for His Son to enter into our world? God watched as people stumbled around in the darkness. Don’t you think He whispered words of wonder in their ears? Hold on. It’s almost time. The prophets foretold the mystery and wonder. He is coming. Messiah is coming.

Then, one night, a star shown and a shepherd quaked. A young girl cried out and God beamed with pride.

Christ came.

Christ – the wonder of it all.

7 thoughts on “The Wonder of it All

  1. Visiting from Five Minute Friday! Beautiful post! Can’t say that I like eggnog, but I LOVE the reminder to be in wonder of the amazing gift we received that first Christmas so long ago. I hope you experience that wonder this year!

  2. I’ll preface this by saying that I love eggnog. 🙂
    Your comparison of waiting in anticipation for someone to open the perfect gift and God’s anticipation in waiting for Jesus to be born is such a beautiful reminder for me as we start this advent season! Thank you for this lovely post!!!

  3. breathing this all in, friend. Hoping it sparks my childlike wonder within. Because I know it’s there…
    My 4yo has a book called “10 Minutes to Showtime” and it’s about all the angels (they’re kids in this book which makes perfect sense to me) being all excited for Jesus’ birth. Running around shouting “It’s almost time! It’s coming!” And we count it down with each page. Anyway…you made me think of that and today, when I read the book to him for the bajillionth time, I felt it spark.

    the wonder of it all indeed.

    Hugs to you, girl! miss you! we need to catch up…

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