The Samuel Project (Day 9): God Speaks to Gideon

Prior to reading Judges, I did not know much about Gideon. Okay, I didn’t know anything about Gideon.  However, within 3 verses of meeting him, I felt a connection. Maybe you will, too.

Gideon asks God the one question we have all asked at one time or another. Why?

Have you ever asked that of the Lord? If so, read on. God has an answer. It may not be the one you hoped for, but it may just be the one you need to hear today?

What I Read:

Judges 6:11-16

What He Said:

And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”  Gideon said to Him, “Oh my lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles…?”  –Judges 6:12-13

There it is. The question on many a believer’s heart. If the Lord is with us – then why do all of these things happen to us?  I imagine that maybe there was even a catch in Gideon’s voice as he asked…Where are all of His miracles? 

Haven’t we all asked that haunting question? Why, Lord? Why? Gideon asks the question on behalf of all mankind. And, you know what? There was not a clear answer given to Gideon’s question.  The Lord simply said: “I will be with you.”

It may seem, at first glance, that God simply ignored Gideon’s question.  But, look closer. God did answer his question and the answer had two parts.

The Lord is with youThis is probably the best answer Gideon could have received.  God knew that there was something more important for Gideon to know. I think about how many times I have asked Why? and how many times, knowing the answer, would not have changed a thing.  The Lord was telling Gideon, You don’t need to know the ‘why.’  You just need to know that I am with you.  Could it be that we are not given the ‘why’ because we would not understand the ‘why’ anyway? Maybe, knowing the why would just trip us up.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

God is not the author of confusion.  He is not going to do anything that may cause us to stumble.  He wants us to focus on what is important – His presence.

Another part of the answer is found in Judges 7:2.  Gideon is facing a battle.  It’s a large battle and one that he is concerned about.  He asks God for signs that the victory will actually be his.  In preparation for the battle, Gideon gathers as many troops as possible.  He has done everything he can to ensure success for himself.  So, imagine the shock when God says:

…You have too large an army with you…

Too large?  You would think a large army would be good, right?  Large battles call for a large army. Makes sense to me.

But God makes Gideon get rid of some of the soldiers. Then, He makes him get rid of some more. Why?

I can’t turn Midian over to them like this—they’ll take all the credit, saying, ‘I did it all myself,’ and forget about me.

He could not give Gideon the victory when he had so many men or Gideon would be tempted to think he did it all by himself. God sent Gideon into battle with little according to the world’s standards. And he was still victorious because God fought on his behalf. He will fight on your behalf as well.

All glory is His.  Every victory is His.  Every triumph is His.

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name… Psalm 29:2

Oh my lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?

  1. The Lord is with you
  2. God gets the glory

Whatever the trial, He is there with you. That, in the end, is far more important than knowing the why.


This post is part of a 31 Day series. Read the first post here.

3 thoughts on “The Samuel Project (Day 9): God Speaks to Gideon

  1. “You don’t need to know the ‘why.’ You just need to know that I am with you. I think it is important to understand that we may not be given the “why” because we may not understand the “why.” ”
    Yet again Stacy. Thank you.
    I get something out of EVERY post that you write- and they are sticking with me in my everyday life.

    thank you friend!

  2. Hey Stacy,
    This was powerful. I was sitting here with tears in my eyes upset over something and really hurting and then I decided to check blogs and checked yours and wow, it hit home, espescially the part of not needing to understand the why. That is so often what I am asking right now and knowing that it may not help or may lead to more confusion and that my earthly mind maybe wouldn’t be satisfied with the answer is something to think about. It’s like God was speaking directly to me through the words in your post. You are a very gifted writer. Thank You for sharing your faith.

  3. I like reading the story of Gideon. Yet again God uses an average Joe to accomplish great things for Him. Even though God sent the angel of the Lord to Gideon, he still asked God for signs to prove it. All throughout Gideon’s story he asks for signs from God & God provides them. I think it’s ok for us to not only ask why to God, but also ask Him for signs that what God is telling us to do is really from Him. God doesn’t have to prove Himself to us, but out of His love for us He will.

    Great post!

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