The Samuel Project (Day 8): God Speaks to the Exiles

To be in exile is to be far from home. It’s a difficult and lonely place. It’s a painful place to find yourself.

I’m sure it has happened to you. Life was going along fine. Everything was good. Then, without warning, your surroundings become unfamiliar and there is an ache in your heart for home.

Are you struggling? Do you find yourself on an unfamiliar path? Maybe, you’re just feeling a little bit homesick these days.

If this is you, God has some encouragement for your exiled heart.

What I Read:

Jeremiah 29:4-14

What He Said:

There have been many times in my life when I thought, if I can just survive… There are seasons like that, aren’t there? There does not seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. The days are difficult. The nights are long. And, God seems very far away.

In those moments, I just hunker down and try to survive.

But, when God spoke to the exiles taken into Babylon, He encouraged them to do just the opposite. He wanted them to thrive in exile.

Encouragement to the Exiled Heart

  1. Be productive (Jeremiah 29:5-6.) Build houses. Plant gardens. Get married. Have children. Life does not stop while you are in exile. Do not give up. Do not shrivel up. There is work still to be done.
  2. Grow (Jeremiah 29:6.) God tells the exiles to not decrease, but increase. Increase in number. Increase in strength. A time of exile can be a time of tremendous spiritual growth.
  3. Remember, this too shall pass (Jeremiah 29:10.) When in exile, time seems to stop. There is a fear that the pain will last forever. God reminds the exiles, however, that there is an end to their trial. Exile is not forever.
  4. There is a promise of a great reunion (Jeremiah 29:10,14.) Wherever your exile takes you, no matter how far from home, God promises to bring you back. And you don’t even have to find your own way. He will come to you. He will come and bring you home. That is His promise to every exiled heart. Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also (John 14:1-3.)

Do you feel lost and far from home? Me, too.

But, take heart, He is coming back for us both. In the meantime, let’s be productive. Let’s grow. When He returns, let Him find us faithful.


This post is part of a 31 Day series. Read the first post here.

3 thoughts on “The Samuel Project (Day 8): God Speaks to the Exiles

  1. Oh I needed to read these words today. We are in the middle of a move. Well, trying to move, but our house needs to sell. We have made many moves with our kids and this one has been the hardest one on them so far. The older they get the harder it gets. Focusing on these words today. Trying to remember he wants me to thrive during this time.

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