The Samuel Project (Day 4): God Speaks to Joshua

Over the years, I have met many individuals carrying heavy burdens. I know people who have buried spouses, buried children, battled horrendous diseases and faced the reality of broken dreams. They carry on and, in my eyes, their burden seems harsh and cruel.

Have you ever looked at the task someone has been given and thought it to be just too much? Single parent, widow/widower, cancer fighter. Maybe, it is you with the seemingly impossible assignment. Maybe, you wonder how God expects you to be successful at the task He has given you.

Believe me, if He has given you an assignment, success is what He wants for you.

What I Read:

Joshua 1:1-9

What He Said:

Moses was dead. Joshua, the faithful assistant, is now assigned the task of leading God’s people into the Promised Land. The patriarchal promise made by God to Abraham all of those years ago was about to be fulfilled and God was looking straight at Joshua. This is no small job, mind you. This is the promise of all promises, the sacred “I will be your God and you will be people” covenant. Moses was dead and Joshua had some mighty big shoes to fill.

No matter what trial you face or through what valley you are walking, God wants more than survival for you. He wants success.

…and then you will have good success. – Joshua 1:8 ESV

Good success. That’s what we want, isn’t it? We want to do more than make it through. We want to be more than conquerors through Him who loves us (Romans 8:37.) Well, let’s back up just a few verses and listen to the “Four Tips for Success” that God gives to Joshua.

God’s Tips for Success

  1. Be reminded of His presence. Immediately upon commissioning Joshua to lead the people, God promises His presence. Not just any presence, mind you, but the just as I was with Moses (Joshua 1:5) kind of presence. Think about it. God spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend(Exodus 33:11.) Moses was allowed to see the backside of God’s glory (Exodus 33:21-23.) That is the kind of presence God promises. Wherever you are right now, God is with you. 
  2. Be strong and courageous. Three times in nine short verses, God tells Joshua to be strong. I think we all know why. Life just ain’t easy. Not for me. Not for you. Not for anyone. It takes strength and courage. Do you feel weak? Are you wondering how you are supposed to be strong enough to endure? Remember where your strength lies. The Lord is the strength of His people (Psalm 28:8.)
  3. Be in the Word. There is no one more geographically challenged than I am. I’m lucky to make it out of my driveway without a GPS. So, I know, I will not be able to find my way through a trial without His direction. Sometimes, it’s too painful to think about next year or next week. Maybe, you aren’t sure how you will make it through tomorrow. Let His word be a light unto your path (Psalm 119:105) and just focus on the next step. That is how we make it through any valley – one step at a time.
  4. Be completely obedient. We have a rule in our house. When we give the children a task to do, they are to do it right away and all the way. Partial obedience is complete disobedience. In order to be obedient, you must know His Word. Psalm 119 tells us that the Word of the Lord brings knowledge (vs. 15), peace in difficult times (vs. 23), comfort in affliction (vs. 50) and wisdom (vs. 97-98.) Who couldn’t use a little knowledge, peace, comfort and wisdom?

Wherever you are at this very moment, God knew you would be here. His plans for you are good and they include success.


This post is part of a 31 Day series. Read the first post here.

3 thoughts on “The Samuel Project (Day 4): God Speaks to Joshua

  1. Great post! I was drawn to the fact that God told Joshua 3 times to be “strong and courageous”. Obviously that is something important to God. He’s encouraging not only Joshua, but all believers to be strong and courageous in the trials we face. That’s not easy for me. I let fear take over so often, but when I do step out in faith and allow God’s strength & courage to work, amazing things happen.

    • I completely relate. You know I do! I give in way too much to my own fears and, I’m sure, miss out on amazing things that God wants to do. Love ya!

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