Three Tips for Surviving a Trial

How many times have you wondered if something was God’s will?  Should you take this job or that one?  Should you marry that person or not?  Wouldn’t it be great if there was a neon sign indicating God’s will – this way –>?

This seems to especially be the case during times of trial and pain.  Yet, God is no farther away during hard times than He is in the good times.

He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. As soon as He hears it, He answers you. – Isaiah 30:19

You can call to Him in your pain because He promises to hear.  In fact, He does one better.  He promises to answer immediately – as soon as He hears your cry.

And, if knowing that He hears you isn’t enough, He also promises to be seen by you.

And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. – Isaiah 30:20

You want to know where He is when you hurt?  He is right there.  Your Lord promises to not hide from you in your time of need.  Look for Him.  Gaze beyond the circumstances to the Savior.  He will be seen.

Does that trial still seem more than you can bear?  Are you afraid you will never find your way out?  Then, be still.  Stop right where you are and listen closely to yet another promise from the Father.

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” – Isaiah 30:21

There it is – that neon sign showing the way.

Are you hurting?  Feeling misunderstood?  Do you find yourself in the midst of a painful trial?

You are not alone and God wants to make sure you know that.  In fact, He gives you three keys to making it through.

  1. Call to Him. – He hears and He answers.
  2. Desperately seek Him. – Your eyes shall see Him.
  3. Stop and listen to Him. – Your ears shall hear a word.

4 thoughts on “Three Tips for Surviving a Trial

  1. I’m hopping over because you are the post immediately before mine at Thought Provoking Thursdays at Intentional.Me. And man, did this hit home! For 6 weeks, we have been working through the diagnostic process because our 5 year old daughter had a large lump on her neck. Last week, the doctors leveled the news that it was most likely lymphoma, an aggressive type of cancer, and she had over 50 swollen lymph nodes all over her body. She was scheduled for a consult with the cancer team this morning, the surgical team this afternoon, and surgery tomorrow. I just could not come to peace about the surgery. I have been pouring my heart out to God but anxiety threatened to capsize our entire family ship. I just went into remission myself after a 4 year battle with cancer, and we nearly lost Amy – this same daughter – 2 years ago to a massive brain infection. It all seemed too much to bear, and we were starting to feel very Job-like. Yesterday, I sent out a desperate text to my closest friends and relatives about my panic and distress. My aunt text back said, “Reach out your hand and know the Lord is holding it.” So I closed my eyes, slowed my breathing, and trusted that He was there, holding me.

    Thousands of friends – and internet friends of afar – have been lifting our situation up before the Throne for these 6 weeks. I kept repeating James 5:15a to myself – ” the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up”.

    Fast forward to this morning. Twelve doctors all probed my daughters body to measure the swollen lymph nodes. They were there to talk about chemo options, what would happen after the first surgery, and what to expect during hospitalization. Instead, they consulted each other with murmurs, then turned to me, and the senior doctor reported that the largest lump felt flatter and more rubbery and ALL 50+ of the other lymph nodes had DISAPPEARED. They were all confused, fluttering through papers looking at past notes, examining her over and over looking for the missing lymph nodes. No matter what the cause of the swelling – infection, cancer, whatever – this NEVER happens. Lymph nodes usually take weeks, months or years to return to normal size – and these disappeared in less than 1 week!!!

    There is no doubt this was a resounding “yes” from the Lord. A healing of miraculous proportions. I’ve gotten so used to Him saying “no” or “wait” – answers that feel like silence – that I’ve forgotten what “yes” feels like!!! Oh, the dancing, the thunderous applause in your heart, the sudden expanse of life, what it feels like to go free to love on your family for the summer instead of being stuck in hospitals and clinics with your daughter getting chemo!!

    Your post was a good reminder of what I just experienced. That these words and promises are straight from Scripture. That I have faltered in faith – despite my prayers and deepest attempts not to – because I’ve gotten so used to answers of a different kind. I pray that this huge YES from God will help me be more trusting of Him in the future. That I can lean into those Everlasting Arms quicker, easier, with less wrestling.

    Thank you for this post today. It was truly a blessing to me at the end of a long and miraculous and still a little bit shocking and confusing day.

    • Genevieve –

      Wow, I am praising Him with you right now. Our God is still in the miracle business! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop and share your story. I am stopping now to thank Him for what He has done for Amy and to pray for continued health for her and for you as well.

      Blessings to you. I pray you have a fabulous weekend!


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