Wednesdays with Kids

Today is the first week of our Fall classes at church and I am teaching 1st grade girls on Wednesday nights.  I have a fear of speaking in front of groups of any kind (and any age.)  And I know that I am not alone.  I have found, however, that being really, really prepared is a huge help to me.  So, I’m going to share a lesson that has worked for me.  I’m linking up to Works for Me Wednesday over at We are THAT Family.


Be strong in the Lord.

Memory Verse (Print verse on index cards for each child to take home):

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. – Ephesians 6:10

Questions for kids (List answers on the board):

  • What does it mean to be strong?
  • What are some ways you can become physically strong?

Just like we need to exercise and take care of our bodies to be physically strong, there are certain things we can do to be strong in the Lord.

1.  Read our Bibles.

2. Pray.

3. Memorize Scripture.

4. Give an offering.

5. Attend worship and Bible study.

6. Share about Jesus.

When we are strong in the Lord, we can do things that we could not do on our own.

Examples of people who were strong in the Lord (Have pictures of each to show the children):

  • David (Facing Goliath)
  • Peter (Walking on a stormy sea)
  • Daniel (Lion’s Den)

Send home a Scripture card.

🙂 Stacy

works for me wednesday at we are that family

4 thoughts on “Wednesdays with Kids

  1. A fun way to help review the memory verse:
    Talk about how part of our ability to be strong in the Lord comes from knowing God’s word, the Bible.

    Have two volunteers stand up. Have one stack Bibles in the other’s arms, one for each word of the verse as they say the verse together. (Ten Bibles in all.)
    Or have 3 volunteers – one stacker and two holders of the Bibles.

    Allow everyone a chance to participate in some manner.

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