True Romance

I have a confession to make.

I sure do love me some romance.

The Harlequin novels I read in high school set me up for some serious disappointments when those college guys came callin’.  Truth be told those poor fellows did not stand a chance against the delusions running a-muck in my head.

We do that though.  We set our expectations so high that our men don’t stand a chance.

When it comes to God, though…we can’t set our gazes too high.  We can’t want Him too much.

There is not a woman alive who is too clingy for God.

Because, our God…He loves Him some romance, too.

My Beloved is mine, and I am His… – Song of Solomon 2:16 ESV

2 thoughts on “True Romance

  1. “He loves Him some romance too…” i love that! my heart has been stuck on song of solomon 4:7 – “all beautiful you are, my darling, there is no flaw in you.” wow. i so badly want the truth of those words from God’s heart to sink down deep inside me… i want to live like i believe.

  2. Oh my gosh, Alece just like totally stole the very. single. exact precise line I was going to quote and say how much I loved it. Because I did. I do. I love that line, “He loves him some romance too”!


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