A Better Attitude

Lord, help me to have a good attitude today.

That was my prayer this morning as I sat in the dark preparing for the day.  The house was quiet and everyone else was still warm and cozy in bed.  And I could feel myself just wanting to have a bad attitude.

I pulled out the daily devotional that I had used faithfully at the beginning of the year.  My bookmark was sitting on July 29th.  I couldn’t help but wonder if that day’s Scripture spoke to me at the time.  How could I have known that the next day would begin a series of events and drama that would continue on through August and September?  One personal crisis after another…one health issue after another…

So, I flipped forward to today’s devotional.  I’m embarrassed to say that now, just a few hours later, I have no idea what it was about.  I just know that I closed the book, began getting dressed and prayed again…Lord, help me to have a good attitude today.

As I think about that prayer, I am reminded of Paul’s words in Philippians.

Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 2:5

That is no small order.  I read that verse and the ones that follow and two things are stuck in my mind.

He emptied Himself (Phil. 2:7)…He was God.  Yet, He chose to let go of all of the things that should have been His. He chose, instead, to take on the form of a slave.  There are so many things that I seem to think I am entitled to…things I have the nerve to think I deserve.  But, I am called to have the attitude of Christ who really was entitled to a lot of things…yet, gave everything up.

He humbled Himself (Phil. 2:8)…I love how this reads in the Holman…He became obedient to the point of death.  He did not just give up what was rightfully His…He accepted and embraced what was not His to endure.

Make your attitude that of Christ Jesus…

Anything that I foolishly think I am entitled to…I empty myself of those things…those selfish desires.

Anything that I, in ignorance, think I should not have to accept…I will be obedient…

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